councilman richard revolinsky
Current 3 year term
January 1, 2017 to December 31, 2019.
2017 - Utilities Chairman
2018 - Utilities Chairman
2019 - Chairman Recreaction Committee
Member of Personnel Committee
In his words:
“Growing up in Milltown, my parents instilled in me a commitment to community; to take pride in your Town, to help your neighbors, and give back. Serving on Boro Council, I strive maintain that commitment, and keep Milltown strong and a Town the current and next generation of Milltown residents will be proud to call home.”
councilwoman doriann kerber
Current 3 year term
January 1, 2017 to December 31, 2019
Doriann has been on council since 2014
2019 - Chairwoman DPW
2018 - Chairwoman DPW
2017 - Chairwoman DPW
In her words:
“When I moved to Milltown in May of 2003, I was drawn in by the classic American small town feel. I quickly fell in love with Milltown and her strong community that comes together to make this town great. I saw the volunteers that work tirelessly to keep Milltown strong and knew I had to do my part. As Councilwoman, I work to keep Milltown a great place to live and hope others see what a wonderful town we have.”
Doriann is an entrepreneur who owns and operates her own small business in Milltown.
Doriann has Chaired the Utility Dept. in 2016,
Environmental Health and Social Services 2015
Recreation Department in 2014
Dorian volunteers with the Milltown Revitalization committed, Middlesex County Transportation Committee and Lower Raritan Watershed Partnership.
Kyle is an accomplished, honest, and hard working.
A life long resident of Milltown, Kyle is seeking his first term as Councilman in 2019.
In his words:
“Like most young people, my education cost me a pretty penny. Being able to keep milltown affordable is necessary to keep our young families coming back, but we cannot sacrifice our future for affordability. As an attorney, I evaluate both sides of every argument and try to find the best solution. When elected, I will approach each issue for Milltown with the same level of passion, thoughtfulness and consideration that I use for my clients in the Courtroom. For a successful future, Milltown needs someone who can honestly look at both sides of an issue for the right solution.”
Kyle is a Lawyer, who earned his Law Degree at Rutgers University after studying at York College of PA
Kyle and his future wife Lucy live in in a modest home on Clay Street, a stones throw from his Childhood home on Herbert Avenue.
Kyle was an Eagle Scout of Milltown’s Troop and Pack 33 and attended St. Joseph Highschool.
As a young man, Kyle is focussed on balancing the dichotomy of affordability with the need to improve Milltown’s infrastructure.