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May 22, 2018

Breaking Ground on the Public Works Complex

The Mayor, members of Council, Police and Fire Department, Rescue Squad and other members of the community were on hand for the groundbreaking ceremony.   See the link below for the Central Jersey new story:

To watch the ceremony on YouTube, please click on the button below.

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November 2, 2017

Ron Dixon Protect Our Children

In the two-year battle to stop large trucks from passing by the Library and Joyce Kilmer School multiple times per day, Council President Ron Dixon had the borough erect a fence between Hanna’s Mechanical Contractor parking lot and the municipal parking lot behind the Library eliminating potential disaster to children and library patrons.

This action put a PERMANENT STOP to anymore huge trucks, including tractor trailers, from driving into or through that very congested parking lot.


october 24, 2017

New Flag Retirement Program Thanks to Ron Dixon

Check out the Newsletter "Your Middlesex County NJ" Fall 2017, giving front page kudos to the "New Flag Retirement Program" to the Commander of the American Legion Post 25 in Milltown -----> RON DIXON.  Please bring your tattered and torn flags to your Local VFW and American Legion Posts for proper retirement ceremonies. Then will be brought to the County Fire Academy for safe burning . 

October 24, 2017

DEP News Release

New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection newsletter October 2017. 

-Councilwoman Doriann Kerber 

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September 24, 2017

Milltown Department of Public Works it stands today...

In the US, I thought we had standards of what was acceptable or up to code as workable conditions. I find the conditions of the the Milltown Department of Public Works to be nothing short of disgusting. Words can explain, but photos plus words work better. The residents don't, won't, or can't tour the facility, which is unfortunate because photos don't capture how depressing it is. Depressing that the employees graciously work there and depressing that they have worked in these conditions for decades.


First and foremost, is the constant flooding, the facility is right on the brook. The immediate need to move as much equipment off the site, in addition to the man power and labor costs to move the equipment upon heavy rainfall. The loss of the tools and supplies that are on shelves and all throughout the facility, that have literally floated away, and the cost to replace them.  Then the same department has to go out into the community to provide the services needed to keep our town clean and safe. 

Also, the building structure has been flooded many times, which no one has addressed the mold or mildew issue that is lurking in the walls. The town is finally doing the right thing by building a safe, adequate structure off of a flood area. 

July 18, 2017

Milltown Water Test Results

At the July Borough Council Meeting, the results of the latest lead water test were received and 8 homes exceeded lead levels.

There is a link to the live streamed video and if you fast forward to 1:29:07, it will bring you to the Department of Utilities - Richard Revolinsky section of the council meeting.  Where he had Joe Cantwell and John Eckert speak at length, explaining the water results and answering questions. 

​In summary, there were 42 samples taken for water testing and there were 8 that exceeded the lead levels of 15 parts per billion.  DEP has been notified and the residents tested were notified as well.  The DEP has not yet responded to Milltown's notification.  

The 8 homes have lead "services", which means lead piping. This is why the lead level is higher than allowed.  The lead is seeping from the pipes into the water supplied to these homes.  To remedy this situation, the home owners need to convert to copper piping. Unfortunately, the home owners either can not afford or have chosen not to change their piping.  The lead levels do not effect the residents with copper piping. 

The tests will continue to effect the towns allowable lead levels as a whole, thus triggering a notification to the DEP.  Councilman Revolinsky proposed the town try to assist the homeowners in the pipe replacement. This will take Milltown below the levels and will not trigger DEP reporting.  The other solution is to add chemicals to all of the water entering Milltown and those chemicals will effect all of the residents water supply. 

The link to the notice of the results from the Milltown Water Dept. is below. 

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Eagle Scout Project Funded and Ready to GO!

By Councilwoman Doriann Kerber:

"Great news Dan Pinnella found a Lions Member who is a developer who will assist in digging the holes with a special machine, an auger won't do the job, for the guard rail on Open Space. He is going to improve upon the project and Dan has all the funding he needs. Lions made a donation as well."

Photos of the New Public Works and Fire Department Building

Photos taken by Stacy Sullivan at the Special Borough Council Meeting with the permission of CME Assoc.


June 10, 2017

Thank you to Councilwoman Doriann Kerber and Milltown Borough's DPW Supervisor, Ralph Jaisonowski for coordinating the Milltown Cleanup on Saturday June 10th! Thank you to everyone that took the time out of your summer Saturday to clean up our town!!!